Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recent happenings

 Rio is going to be a little boy!  I can't say I'm too thrilled, but a boy will still be fun. 4 more months until his appearance.

He's getting so big! Today he's the size of a head of cauliflower.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rio's announcement

I hug that baby sleeper all the time now! :)

11 weeks along!

That's right! 7 more months till this kid gets here, much to the relief of my mom.
My dad is famous for giving names to his kids before they are born and has started calling this one Rio. Rio is due November and we'll find out the baby's gender in June! So exciting!
This blog will be sort of like a scrapbook for me and Rio: I'll post pictures, stories, news, ect. to remember this.
I love you!